NUnit 2.2.3 Released
NUnit 2.2.3 is now out. You can get it at our SourceForge site. The release notes are available here.
The Death of NUnit - Will it be Ice?
A recent post on the NUnit Open Discussion Forum on Sourceforge asked “Is NUnit Dead?” I have to admit: the question irked me a bit. But reflecting on it has led me to a few conclusions that I’ll share here.
What's with
The site seems to have acquired, a domain we thought about using but didn't. Now I'm sorry, since they could use it for pretty much any purpose.
User Test Fixtures: How Many? How Long?
There's a discussion going on right now on the Yahoo Test-Driven Development list regarding the use of a single instance of the user TestFixture class in NUnit 2.x, as compared to multiple instances in NUnit 1.x and in JUnit before it. A related issue, discussed on the same list a while back, is the question of the lifetime of that single instance. Here's my take on how the issues relate and how NUnit deals with them.
How NUnit Finds Config Files
Lots of people write to ask about the use of configuration files with NUnit. Usually, they have put some setting in a config file - somewhere - and are wondering why NUnit doesn't seem able to find it. In this post, I'll try to summarize the main issues around NUnit's use of configuration files. It really isn't all that complicated, once you understand a few things...