
About Me

On the personal level, I'm a retired guy with four children and three grandchildren. I live in Pouslbo, a small town across Puget Sound from Seattle. Aside from family, my interests include Travel, Walking, Reading, Photography and Genealogy. I love languages, speak French and Italian fairly well and dabble in a few others. When I was younger, I did a lot of sailing and skiing as well but I'm less physically active these days.

Professionally, I've been developing software in one role or another since 1974. I started as an employee and later became an independent consultant, trainer and coach. I've worked around the US and in Europe and am now retired.

Beginning around 2001, I got involved in the Agile development movement, primarily Extreme Programming. I was active in the international XP conferences and had the privilege of learning from some of the true experts and innovators in the field.

I have been very active in Open Source, particularly with the NUnit Project, the longest-lived project of it's type in the .NET world. These days, my focus is primarily on TestCentric, which I intend as the next step beyond NUnit.

If you like, you can read my informal bio or take a look at my resume.

About This Site

Initially, I created this new version of the CharliePoole.org site to pulling together posts, articles and other pages, which were originally scattered in various locations, including my older CharliePoole.org and Charliepoole.com sites and several blogs.

Although I had originally intended to have my technical and personal posts in one place, that didn't turn out to be such a great idea. The audiences for the two kinds of posts are entirely different. So I'm now limiting this site to technical posts and articles only.

Technically, the site is statically generated using Statiq.Web. The site is still under development and you may view the status page to track changes.

About the Photo

The photo shows me and Ward Cunningham teaching a class in test-driven development. In 2003, after the XP2003 conference in Genoa, we travelled in Italy and Sweden, programming together and conducting several training sessions. I was an experienced programmer at the time, but very new to Extreme Programming and Test Driven Development. Since then, I have often found myself using some idea or technique, which I originally learned from Ward during that time.